Looking for an NLP Trainer
In any given week, I must receive at least half a dozen messages or e-mails asking me pretty much the same question, “How do I find a...
Bust that habit - fast
This morning, I read a post from somebody on Facebook, quoting the theory that it takes 21 days to create a habit. That, in itself, is...
Everyone needs a coach
Most organisations of any size provide opportunities for their managers to build and develop their skills through training of some...
The 7 deadly sins of public speaking
Over the past 18 years, I have delivered talks and trainings in over 20 countries and to more than 40 nationalities. In that time, I’ve...
You've got a great goal.. SO WHAT!!?
Have you noticed how many people write, post and talk about how to set amazingly smart, huge, incredible goals? Yes, I hold my hand up...
The why and what of coaching supervision
I have ceased to be amazed at the number of times I get asked, “but why do I need a supervisor? I’m a certified coach. Don’t you trust...